Monday, October 19, 2009

Weather Forecast: Born Rich & Beyond the Realm of Conscience

Hey, everyone

(Don't think I am free or anything! I am losing sleep doing this but I can't help it! (^v^)!)

I decided to create a topic "Weather Forecast" where I will express my opinions and thoughts on what I am watching now, especially TVB. So when you see WF, it is probably a review on an episode I watch or a series. Anyway, I thought it will be fun...since I am Breeze!

So, I just finish the first episode each of BR and BTROC. Honestly, I love BTROC first episode. The costumes are pretty (Good for the eyes...Hehe...) The people are beautiful (Well...some...LOL) and I really don't expect the episode to start off with a BANG then it traveled back in time. I know...I spoiled what will happen near the end but I like this guessing what will lead to this and that. (Honestly, for those who are anticipating it, we know some of the spoiler anyway...not as if they are keeping it a secret or anything.) Going off topic again, Breeze.

I didn't realize I would like Charmaine's character so much. Yes, she is the good one...from the start till the end but this is a series. I have enough with realistic as of now. She made me believe there is good. (Not that naive but...yeah) Anyway, I think she was like the one pure spot out of all the palace dark and gray. Mostly, I enjoy the little girl who portray her. Wow, she knows how to cry to touch people's heart...and that song. When I first heard it by Charmaine, I find it to be a little cute but not heartwarming. Now that it is like the 'faith' song between mother and daughter. I can't get it out of my head. Plus, I have to say, Charmaine looks the best in ancient costume. She look absolutely beautiful.

Now lets move on...I don't know why but since I have been anticipating for Tavia's role of evil. I thought I will be rooting for her but (Sorry, Tavia's fan) I am rooting for Charmaine here...well, maybe because the storyline didn't focus on Tavia much so far...when they start showing how she turned evil...I might switch. (Yeah, I change my mind faster than a roller coaster) Anyway, Tavia's acting never disappointment me. I guess I will just have to wait and see more...somehow I know I am going to be impress but if I am expecting it impress?

Let's turn over to BR, now there is a complete contrast. Honestly, I fast forward the beginning. (Bad, Breeze) I just find it not too interesting because of the actor and actress. Don't get me wrong, their acting is's just that I need to get a little familiar with them. (By the way, I think that guy is hot...Okay, searching for his name right now....wait...Ray? No, I don't think I can think of him as Ray, for you all know who is my Ray. LOL!) However, what surprise me the most is Joe and Anita...I was never too fond of them but they have such chemistry. I think I am looking forward to this pair. I am surprise that Gallen isn't introduce first but it was understandable. Btw, Nancy's slap woke up my interest. It was that family crisis and the discover of the 'Safe Deposit Box' that made the series start getting exciting and suspenseful for me! I am looking forward to the next episode but honestly, I am hook on BTROC more.

Notes: I know many of my readers are waiting for my updates but I need to apologize. I am piled up with work right now. I think around November...I might be free but...I am sorry. I just need to let all of you know that I didn't give up on Illumination or writing. I just need to put other aspect of my life first. Thanks for understanding!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Moving toward Music

Since I haven't updated my blog regularly, I decided to write something...Anything. Well, this post is inspired by Myolie Wu's newest MV. As we all know, many artists are moving toward the music industry. (Weeell...not many but Kevin, Raymond, Myolie, Linda, Kate, Bosco...etc.) I don't know how to feel about it because I personally haven't been follow the HK music industry. Don't get me wrong, I do know who is who... LOL...However, I think I stop listening to HK music for a while now. I did occasionally find a good song but really they stopped sparking my interest.

Anyhow, when TVB started 'experimenting' their artists into the music industry I knew it could be a disaster coming... They started off by 'pushing' Ron, Raymond and Kevin into the music market with the production of "All About Men", a collaborated CD with TVB male lead and a few HK singers (Eason). Okay, so prepare for a brief history lesson. First, they pushed Ron in the music market. Note the word 'Push'. Personally, I felt like TVB or whoever it was in the management department decided since Ron's popularity sky rocket at that time, they decided to threw him into an unfamiliar footing, without any preparation. I can't say it was a disaster but in truth, Ron had some many room for improvement. Most importantly, he wasn't ready. I remember watching the "All About Men" concert and my heart literally broke for Ron. The poor man was so nervous, I felt his hand shaking. I blamed TVB for this. Honestly, Ron is not a good singer but he could be better with the right amount of training. You can't simply expected him to go out there and sing when he have no background training. So... Bad TVB.

Now, shall we move on. Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... In contrast to Ron, he had the most training as a singer. The guy started off as a singer before he turned to acting. Therefore, he can't really disappoint you but... Expect for having a well-known 'Master', Kevin was pretty much lacking in promotion in this area. This artist can sing but his voice is more in the 'past generation' tune. Therefore, TVB kept him in the acting department with opportunities like theme song and such as side dish...

Ah, Raymond. This goes without saying for he was the most successful out of the three but it didn't mean he had it easy at first. Let's say he was filming series after series before he got the chance in the music industry. It goes without saying that he had been giving the opportunity to sing throughout his career as an actor but he was never giving the chance to be label 'Singer' until his popularity in HOG. Many will think that Raymond just popped out as a singer and in two years, he had a concert but he had accumulated all his fans throughout his acting career and when he released his first album along with the promotion of both his series, it is easy to assume the outcome. Honestly, it was good on TVB part to make him into a singer at that precise time.

Let's move on to Bosco. Hm... I am not going to comment much here but after that EP...He sort of have no new. Out of the three that year (with Myolie and Linda), he was the only male and the one with the less publicity. Call me wrong but I felt he was kind of overshadowed by Myolie and Linda.

Mentioning Bosco, a lot of people will think of Myolie. (Sorry, I am not one of them.) Anyway, it is to be said that Myolie will have her second album this month. Honestly, I think Myolie's music company do promote her in a lot of functions. In almost every song, she has a MV and she had already been collaborated with Vincent Wong, Kevin Cheng, and Chilam Cheung. As for potential, she does have it and she have a very strong voice; however, she still need experiences and training on stage. Yet, she did improved tremendously...and her music career seem hopeful.

Hm...Linda... She, unlike the other, are trying on a slightly different image by testing water on writing a few of her songs. Focusing on love story, her second album is rumored to be out in November, especially since her first was such a success. She could sing but her voice is very unstable in live performance and it goes without saying that she need a lot more practice. However, I don't see any problem with her second album this year.

Ah, Kate. Our newest member into the music industry. Somehow, I can't shake the feeling of Ron's situation all over again. They are highly promoting her, especially her dancing and her style, but is that enough for her music career. Would she be in the category of a one-hit-back to acting or is she here for the long haul?

Personal Note: Haha...I didn't realize I am rumbling again. Anyway, I know I am lacking behind on Illumination but I am so busy! However, I did find time to work a little on my upcoming story. I can't wait until I am free of stress!